Student Life, Geo Guernsey Style

Student Life, Geo Guernsey Style

Jonathan White, Geomarine Bursary recipient and currently two years into a degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Bath, talks us through his three month summer placement working for the firm.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to see and work on the entire process of a contract through tendering to invoicing and everything in-between. It has been a great opportunity to apply what I have learnt in the classroom (or over Zoom in recent times!) into practice in real life. 

Typically I spend half my working day on site managing works and ensuring they are carried out to the high standard set by Geomarine. I have relished managing all manners of geotechnical and general civils work from site investigations to coastal defenses. The other half of my day I spend in the office planning works, writing up site investigation reports or sending out invoices. 

The highlight of my time at Geomarine must be managing the installation of rock armour. There is no job better than being stood on the beach in the blazing sunshine playing with a large digger and huge stones! [Note from management, in a planned & safe manner of course].

I would like thank all the team at Geomarine for being so welcoming and making my time such a fun and stimulating experience. Particular thanks to Tim, Scott [pictured], Clive and Nathan who I have worked with day in and day out and who always have a smile on their face.”

Geo wish Jonathan well in his studies and hope to see him back in the team in the future.