Fisherman's Summary

Fisherman's Summary

In contract to the Ports of Jersey, the manufacturer of new berths for St Helier’s fishing fleet needed a local partner with marine know-how to replace the old apparatus with new wall guides and pontoons, including a complex bridge lift. Geomarine brought innovation, experienced management and operatives and directly owned and operated floating plant to the project. Works are substantially complete and the fishing fleet is again berthed at Victoria Pier and the La Collette Berths.

The La Collette berths posed an engineering challenge due to the requirement to lift a fifteen tonne pontoon access bridge clear from the old locating pontoon prior to fixing the new pontoon and lowering the bridge into position, all without the support of a mobile crane.

The solution was envisaged, refined and engineered by Geomarine. Analysis of steel compression, displacement and bridge loading calculations were taken into consideration in the design phase. The team worked through various tidal scenarios and designed and fabricated a lifting frame which mounted on the Geomarine Lillie spud leg barge.

Working with the incoming tide on a neap cycle, the Geo-Lillie mobilised into the planned location before the frame engaged with the bridge and began lifting it clear of the old pontoon. The old pontoon was removed before the new one was positioned and the bridge was lowered to engage the channels on the new pontoon. Works could then proceed with the removal of the old pontoons and the installation of the new ones.

Geomarine plan to have all M&E components installed by the end of May.